Lance, Becka, & Kayla

Lance, Becka, & Kayla

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Praying for Adoption

Although Lance and I have not finalized an adoption at this point in our journey, we have been through various steps. As I ask people to pray for us, I often wonder if it would be helpful if they knew what to pray for in general. So, here is a list (of sorts) of what to pray for when a friend or family member is going through the adoption process-based on our current experiences.

The child-

* Pray for their health (mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional)

* Pray the court system will take into account their needs

* Pray for the lawyers who are involved in the decision making process

* Pray for the workers (if the child is in foster care) as they also make decisions for the child

The biological family (natural family)- 

* Pray for the biological mother and/or father who is either giving up their rights or having them terminated (TPR)

* Pray for other biological family members who have a significant part of the child's life (grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.)

* Pray the biological family will seek what is best for the child

The adopting family-

* Pray for the adopting mother and father who are opening their hearts and homes to someone they have never met

* Pray for the other family members of the adopting mother and father as they open their family to a new member

* Pray for the adopting mother and father as they are completing the home study process (this can be nerve racking, as they are laying all their personal information out there for someone to sift through)

Overall, pray that both families will continue to seek God's will for the child throughout the entire process. Remember adoption doesn't happen over night, and sometimes there are "speed-bumps" and "yield signs" throughout the process. Pray the families will persevere through it all. 

Just a few thoughts...


Some verses I have bookmarked on adoption,
 please feel free to share if you have some to add to the list!

James 1:27
Psalm 68:5-6
Matthew 18:5
Exodus 2:10
Esther 2:7
Ephesians 1:5
Psalm 27:10
Jeremiah 1:5
Psalm 113:9
1 Sam 2:1
Exodus 13:17-18
John 14:18

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