Lance, Becka, & Kayla

Lance, Becka, & Kayla

Sunday, December 30, 2012


One of my favorite verses is
"Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart." 
{Psalm 37:4}

So often I only focus or meditate on the last past of that verse "and He shall give you the desires of your heart" and neglect to understand the first part of it. The past couple of days I have been trying to understand what it means to "delight yourself in the Lord." 

Another blogger stated it as being immersed in His word, finding the blessings around you, praising God for your current blessings, and seeking God daily.(I'm sorry, I don't remember where I found this blogger.)

 Then, I started to find verses talking about singing praises to God and being joyful in Him. This confirmed for me that in order to be delightful in the Lord, I need to focus on the blessings He has already given me. So, this is what I found in my studying... The more I focus on God the more I will be in His will; when I am in His will then His desires will be my desires. Then, I will receive His blessings. BECAUSE even when we have it all planned out on our calendars, God's calendar is BIGGER and BETTER. :)

THEN I came across this verse in 2 Samuel...

It says that God delighted in me! When I read this I realized that my sovereign, omnipotent, awesome, God of the universe chose to delight in a man who was in His will. Even more amazing that God's grace covers us in love and He delights in His people. IF God can delight in me, then surely I can find time to delight in Him.   

(Just a personal reflection I wanted to share)