Lance, Becka, & Kayla

Lance, Becka, & Kayla

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Top of the World

A Carter's song from the oh... 70s?... comes to mind today:

"I'm just sitting on top of the world." 

The first time I heard this song I was in the 4th grade at my best friend Kelly's house in Florence, MS. (Man, we had some fun times together.) It comes to mind today, because I feel like I'm on top of the world. 

My "on top of the world" list: 

1. My husband comes home in 3 days and a wake up!
2. I have completed my Math lessons for NEXT week! (These always seem to take me the longest!)
3. Baked (not burned) cookies.
4.  Completed all my assignments for Week 1 of my class this semester.
 5. One month and 2 days until we start everything with the BR Dr!! 

Feeling overly blessed today! Now on to ELA, Science, and S.S. plans; and cookies and coffee! 

Friday, January 4, 2013

Ode to 27

On the eve of my 27th birthday I reflect on how much my life has changed in the past 7 years as I went from the "teen" years to being a "real adult". The year I turned 20 is also the year I "screwed my head on straight" according to my Papaw. Why? Because I met the love of  my life! Lance has definitely made the past 7 years of my life amazing! (Technically we met in March of that year.)

The verse comes to mind from Proverbs 22:6

"Train up a child in the way he should go,
And when he is old he will not depart from it."

I'm in no way OLD! I'm only pushing 30 and 30 is NO LONGER "old"! (I don't even think 50 is old anymore!)

 I am celebrating the fact that I have grown in the past 7 years, all thanks to the christian raising from my parents & the love of a husband I never thought was possible.

In this year I am excited, because I am healthier than I have been in the past 7 years, in love more than I could ever imagine, and grasping the understanding that it's not my will, but HIS.

So, here's to 27. May it be a great year and bring many new opportunities!

(My cake that my love made last year)